Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movies on Dvd-"The Scarlet Letter"-1934

by Pete Holly

This movie "The Scarlet Letter" made in 1934,star's Colleen Moore,who
at the time was one of,if not Hollywoods biggest female star.Believe it
or not-this is the only other adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's amazing
and extremly famous novel of the same name beside's the more recent version
in which actress "Demi Moore" play's the story's central figure,"Hester Prynn".
Unfortunatly for Demi Moore,her attempt to give the "Hester Prynn" charactor
a more modern touch not only bombed at the Box Office-but with the critics
as well.There was simply nothing in the modern film version that engaged the
audience with the charactors in the film.So many liberities were taken that
deviated greatly from the essence of the original Hawthorne novel that the
story made little,if any sense,and the actors performances tended to reflect
the pointless screenplay by apprearing aloof,unengaged and worst of all,boring.
While this 1934 version of "The Scarlet Letter" is not perfect.It's very
entertaining and it does stay true to the Hawthorne novel.It's somewhat
surprizing that a sound film made in the 1930's seems to be in perfect shape.
There isn't one visual or sound flaw in this old film.It play's perfectly.
Someone obviously took very good care of this film and we,the audience,
are the benifactor's of thier determination to keep the film in perfect condition.
It's simply a "Great Movie" and a very respectable interpretation Nathaniel
Hawthornre's timeless novel.

written by Pete Holly-2010-copyright-all rights reserved

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