Friday, August 28, 2009


The recognition of Emily Dickenson's genuis didn't come until long
after her life had ended.Of coarse,in Amhearst,Mass. people in her family-sister-
brother-and even her Mother and Father-knew that Emily possessed a mind superior not
only to thier own-But to anyone else they knew or even knew of.In later years,
after her parents had both passed away and emily became the head of the Dickensons
large home in Amhearst and she became more reclusive and took to wearing only
white clothing,the people of Amhearst all had heard something about Emily's
brilliant mind and she became known as simply "The Myth".Why the Myth?
Because while it was plainly clear to Amhearst's resident's that emily's mind was
of an order far beyond thier own in Power-Intelligence- and Insight,it was
so far beyond thier own faculty's that it was impossible for them to understand
the kind of genuis that was Emily Dickenson.So she became "The Myth" and was
able to write in near total peace in the Dickenson home of which she was head of.
In Emily's mind there was activity an astounding nature.Thou people sensed this-
it was only after her death-when all her packets of poetry were discovered by her
younger sister-that the true scope of Dickenson's amazing mind was truely revealed.
It was quickly decided that a group of Emily's poems should be published.
It was so successful another quickly followed and the publishing of and noteriety of
Emily Dickensons poetry was revealed to a fasinated world.
Finally all her Poem's were collected into one large volume;"The Complete Poems of
Emily Dickenson".The book contains an astounding 1775 poems written in Emily
Dickenson's lifetime.In all of american letters and indeed the entire worlds-you won't
find a more penatrating and perceptive mind at work.Emily Dickinson's Poems in thier
entirity make for by far the most amazing book ever produced by a single mind in the
entire history of creative thought and writing.As Emily said in verse "I choose just a Crown".
With the publication of her entire body of work Emily now wears that crown-for Eternity.

-Written by Pete Holly-2009-Copyright-All rights reserved-

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