Friday, May 28, 2010


by Pete Holly

1."Middle Age"-Joyce Carol Oates
2."Gertrude"-Herman Hesse
3."Underneath the Wheel"-Herman Hesse
4."The Stranger"-Albert Camus
5."Homage to Calatonia"-George Orwell
6."The Perenial Philosophy"-Aldous Huxely-Non-Fiction
7."Secrets of Selling Yourself to People"-James Mangan-N.F.
8."Either/Or"-Soren Kirkigaard
9."The Red Pony"-John Stienbeck
10."Sophies Choice"-James Styron
11."The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"-B. Traven
12."The Great Gatsby"-F. Scott Fitzgerald
13."The Tin Drum"-Gunter Grass
14."The Incredible Lightness of Being"-Milan Kundrea
15."Three Day Blow"-Ernest Hemingway-Short Story
16."On The Road"-Jack Kerouac
17."Catch 22"-Joeseph Hellar
18."Slaughterhouse Five"-Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
19."One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest"-Ken Kesey
20."The Death Ship"-B. Traven
21."East of Eden"-John Stienbeck
22."The Invisable Man"-Ralph Ellison 23."Be Here Now'-Baba Ram Dass-N.F.
24."The Dharma Bum's"-Jack Kerouac
25."The Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson-Emily Dickenson-poet
26."Farenhiet 451"-Ray Bradbury
27."Nijinsky's Diary"-Nijinsky-N.F.
28."The Seven Pillars of Wisdom"-D. H. Lawrence
29."Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland"-Lewis Carrol
30."Through the Looking Glass"-Lewis Carrol
31."The Wizard of of Oz"-Frank L. Baum
32."The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"-Mark Twain
33."The Letter's of Vincent Van Gogh"-Vincent Van Gogh-N.F.
34."Heart of Darkness"-Joeseph Conrad
35."Diary of a Rock Star"-Ian Hunter-N.F.

{All book's listed are Fiction unless otherwise noted}

List compiled by Pete Holly-All Rights Reserved-Copyright-2010-5/28/2010

The Way We Were-Pete Holly-Pete Holly and the Look's

#.1"We liked the same music-we liked the same bands-we liked the same clothes"
-"Bobby Jean",Bruce Springsteen and the E-street Band-Born in the U.S. A.-

#2."Somewhere,Somehow,Somebody must have kicked you around Some"
-"Refugee"-Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers-Damn the Torpedo's

#3."I knew it must have been,some big set-up,All the action,just would not let up"
"Friction"-Television-Marqee Moon

#4."6:oo O'clock in the morning,i finished recording,feelin' alone and,no place is home"
"That i Remember"-The Dwight Twilly Band-Twilly Don't Mind

#5."I'm sittin' here wonderin',if a Matchbox will hold my clothes"-"Matchbox"
-Carl Perkins

#6."and me,I'm in a rock 'n roll band"-"Sweet Jane"-Mott the Hoople-Composed
by Lou Reed

#7."Remember me,to one who lives there,for she once was,a true love of mine"
"North Country Girl"-Bob Dylan

#8."Made up my mind,i'll make new start-Goin' ta California with an ache,in my Heart"
-"Goin' to California"-Led Zepplin-IV

#9."There must be some kinda way out of Here,said the joker to the thief"
All Along the Watchtower"-Jimi Hendrix-composed by Bob Dylan

#10."Blue Sun,Lookin' at you,We got nothin',left to do,give me a reason,i'll pull
on thru,Blue Sun,I'm Lookin' at You !"-"Blue Sun"-Pete Holly
and the Look's-Live at Desmond and Mollies

#11."But i wish that you could see them,but now it's geting so dark,I'm down here,
at the end of this pier,and i'm Feedin' all the Shark's"-"Feedin' All The Sharks"-Pete Holly and Primordial Soup-
composed by Pete Holly

#12."Tax Collectors Vacant-Make it-'till you give it up-do anything you want you
know-cause i can't get enough"-"Can't Get Enough of Nothin"-Pete Holly and
The High Tops-composed by Pete Holly

#13."The Moon Come's up,the sun goes down,I'm on the street,I'm on the Prowl,
All thru the day,i hear them Cry,and now i know,the reason why"-
"Dark Black Night"-Pete Holly-"Riverside Drive" also Pete Holly and the Hightop's
-Live Performance-composed by Pete Holly

#14."Every town i go,there's a street,name of the street y'all,Funky Funky Broadway"
"Funky Broadway"-Otis Redding

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Once upon a Time/Things you might Need

One day,many years ago,i and my new girlfriend were walking down a
sidewalk in the East Village,in N.Y.C...A number of people had set up little area's
where they were selling all kinds of odd's and ends.Nothing very valuble,
just a total mish-mash of pretty ragged looking stuff.Just as we were about
to turn away i noticed the vendors sign-"THINGS YOU MIGHT NEED"and for some reason the phrase seemed very funny to me and my girlfriend and we started to
laugh.The vendor started to laugh too ! Because of that sign we had one of the
best afternoons of our live's.We laughed alot and we loved even more.

pete holly-2010-copyright-all rights reserved

Saturday, May 22, 2010








Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movies on Dvd-"The Scarlet Letter"-1934

by Pete Holly

This movie "The Scarlet Letter" made in 1934,star's Colleen Moore,who
at the time was one of,if not Hollywoods biggest female star.Believe it
or not-this is the only other adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's amazing
and extremly famous novel of the same name beside's the more recent version
in which actress "Demi Moore" play's the story's central figure,"Hester Prynn".
Unfortunatly for Demi Moore,her attempt to give the "Hester Prynn" charactor
a more modern touch not only bombed at the Box Office-but with the critics
as well.There was simply nothing in the modern film version that engaged the
audience with the charactors in the film.So many liberities were taken that
deviated greatly from the essence of the original Hawthorne novel that the
story made little,if any sense,and the actors performances tended to reflect
the pointless screenplay by apprearing aloof,unengaged and worst of all,boring.
While this 1934 version of "The Scarlet Letter" is not perfect.It's very
entertaining and it does stay true to the Hawthorne novel.It's somewhat
surprizing that a sound film made in the 1930's seems to be in perfect shape.
There isn't one visual or sound flaw in this old film.It play's perfectly.
Someone obviously took very good care of this film and we,the audience,
are the benifactor's of thier determination to keep the film in perfect condition.
It's simply a "Great Movie" and a very respectable interpretation Nathaniel
Hawthornre's timeless novel.

written by Pete Holly-2010-copyright-all rights reserved

Thursday, May 6, 2010


by Pete Holly

In the trunks of old car's-found in San Fransisco,
Chinese Swords and Big Thick Dragon Vase's,Red and Dragon Black
and Gold-
We lost the sword in a move but held on to the Dragon Vase-
Once as i lay choking to death by blood-
My face a bloody Battered Death mask-gasping for air !
as hands choked off my last breath of air-i died-went unconsious-
To the other side-
When i awoke the heavy body on my chest-Had vanished !
The blood ran down my face-a sharp cracking pain-where the back
of my head had been bashed over and over into the expensive-
Spanish Tile-till my brain felt broken' into little pieces-rolling around in my
Skull-Brain matter slammed into bone-
The tiles now splattered with blood-as i started to breath again-
and stars flew away-shooting away death-forcing me to breath-
And bringing me to back to Life-My head collapsed Sideways-in pain
and exhaustion-and there in front of my eye's came slowly into focus-
The Chinese Dragon Vase-broken like a skull-laying there-the sharp-
cutting corners-of Life-crushed inside my Brain-through the Skull-
To stay locked inside for eternity-a balance-force-that will not disappear-ever

written by pete holly-copyright-2010-all rights reserved

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"A Boy in the 60's-Growing-up in Anderson,California"

by Pete holly

I remember as a young boy-i liked to go for walks along the banks of the Sacremento
River-we lived right on it's bank's.I'd walk along the river banks and through the Quiet Suberban streets of Anderson;a town of only 2000 people ! Some times i'd walk to a little store that was about a mile away.It had every kind of candy on earth.For just a nickel and a dime you
could buy more candy than you could eat.
One day i was walking around the closest block to our house and it was a really hot quiet
day{115 was not unusual in the summertime}.Not a single person seemed to be at home or
around.Suddenly,i thought of the very first time i had walked around this block about 5 years
earlier.I noticed something strange however.Even though the nieghborhood hadn't changed
at all,something made it look differant to me.Then,i had a clearity of thought.The niegborhood
didn't look the same to me-because i had changed.Alot had happened over those 5 years.I knew
most every family in the niegborhood and they knew me.I also knew all thier secrets-or a least enought of thier secrets that could no longer see the the Block the way i did when i didn't know
anyone or anyhing about them.I knew there were people who lived on the block who had serious
problems.In the 60's-even in a sleepy little town in northern California-Anderson-people had
serious problems.Some had son's that had died in vietnam-some drank to much-one of my best
friends mother seemed like she did nothing but drink all day long.But she wasn't mean or any- thing like that that-in fact i remember her being quite nice.Everyone was nice but the times were not nice-and we all knew it.Nobody talked about it.I was fasinated by the way people didn't talk about anything serious.Nobody asked questions when someone had "the Flu"."Oh yeah-
it's going around,thats what i hear"-and that's what children heard too.But i think most of us,
even alot of the kids-knew it wasn't "the Flu".It was something more serious,so we didn't talk
about it.But it was strange how it made the neighborhood look differant.That was really a
revelation to me at age 10.

written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-all rights reserved

Friday, April 30, 2010


by Pete Holly

The world is unforgiving;
Restless-Full of Farewells,
Introductions Die with Age-
Darkness-a patient friend,
Comes to Visit in the End-

The Light trys to Break Through !
-But is Repelled-
The hope of a flickering candle,
Put out-the Conversations end-
The road begins to bend and a Gospel song is all that's-
-Left to Sing !-
Slashing the Brain in in two-Divided by the Evil we Do-
Deadly Danger-and Painful,Remorsefull Agony-
-Become souful companions-
and so it seems-everything we thought we knew-
is about nothing-
One Pain we can feel and comprehend-
but a crowd of desperate souls-
as may be-in places we can't see
our brains can't fathom-
We want to save one life-
but know not how to save many-
and not feel we've taken' on to much-
Can we call a expert on such numerous operations-
or are doctors to busy also-The Waiting Room is full-
The Ambulance ran out of gas-so were pushing the gerny-
down the city streets-with a traffic cop anoucing all to
"Get out of the Way"-"Let us Pass"
"Thank you mam'"-"thank you sir'"
we finally make it to the ER and the poor soul is saved-
With one we are heroic-in a crowd we panic-
We need Jimmy Carter to Walk right into the melting
down nuclear reactor with no protective gear on-
It must be safe-i mean he's thePresident-
But nobody knew he's studied Nuclear science-
He knew right where to go to look for the problem-
-the fuel rods in a bath of deep deep water-
Jimmy see's the water level is way to low,
he checks the refill pipe-it's not working !
"The re-fill pipe's not working" he shouts up
the stairs to the reactors technitions in the main
control Room-"check out all the valves and connections"
"Yes,Mr. President-were right on it"

"What do you see"-Worker "One of the valves is shut off"
"Open it up"-worker -"Yes,Mr. President"
"O.k.,we should be allright now -the water levels rising and
the fuel rod's are begining to cool down"
Reporter-"What's happening"-Worker-"the president fixed the
reactor"-Reporter-"Did you hear that Morely"-"Carter fixed
the Goddamned Reactor" Morely-"Your Kidding"-No,i'm not"
"How long was he down there-about one minute""How the hell
could he fix a nuclear reactor in one fucking minute".
Morely "The President's walking out of the reactor"
Ask him how everything is."Everythings fine-we found the problem
and the reactors cooling down" The crowd cheers loudly.
Jimmy walks away smiling with Roseland by his side.
"Jesus Christ" Safer keeps saying-"how the hell could he fix
a god damned nuclear reactor in 1 minute"-"Actually,it was only
30 seconds Moreley"-Yeah-O.K.-I got it-Safer can't stop shaking
his head in disbelief.

We need more Jimmy Carters,
-Because the World is Unforgiving-


by Pete Holly

Lies,Please tell them to me-
I want to hear thier Wantoness-

Be Weak-I've enough strength-
for marching off to War-

Let me Slay your enemies-
My pleasure for your desire-

My soldiers rank brings me to the front,
I'll fight on every shore and spill my Blood-
into the Sea,
Lies,they appear to be closer to
the truth-that what is said-
To me-

Sunday, April 25, 2010


by Pete Holly

Crushed in Travel,
-From shore to Sea,
The Maldives surely-Wait
-for you and me

As patient as-a Reverand !
Go I-There as He-
The Ship overflows-
How To - Dock at Sea ?

It's overboard for us-
Not afraid,
Amongst safer waters,
To comiserate the time-
tis' fate, Tribal Daughter's !


by Pete Holly

The Horizen is askew today-
as if someone had jarred it,
I wonder if plainer folk-
oft see it that way

I see them Rise-as dawn approach's,
The scapel cleaves earths hardend mind-
Not for them,to look or see-
At one who care's-or stop's sometime-
and then can see them as not Blind'

Know not my name-
But see my Eye,
Tis' pleasant-
For one blind scarred-

Maybe from a distance Great-
you look at gardens,and think of
-Gods Reply-

Rebuke your servants-Bloody torrents-
Tear the flesh of mind-this gash-
is all of those you choose-
And all You left Behind-

Boise-A Birds Eye View

by Pete Holly

At one time Fort Boise was the only landmark built by man that could be seen
from high up in the sky in southwestern Idaho.The second large object one could see
was the mining town known as "Idaho City".For many years the mining town dwarfed
the size of Boise-in population and in it's nuber of buildings.Many people say that more gold was mined from the Idaho City area than both the California and Yukon gold strikes combined.I don't doubt it."Idaho City's" reputationduring the gold rush years is full of tall tale's,Murders,Gun Fights,Prostitution,hard-drinking,bar brawls and a strong tension in the air betwixed the Union Soldiers who had come to seek thier fortune after The Cival War and Confederate Soldiers who had done the same.Many of the killings were a result of this left over prejudice,hatred and
As the mining wore down towards the year 1900 a new land mark was about to built
on the boise river.A diversion dam was built to divert water to the dry deserts to the
west where farmers could grow potato's,sugar beets,onions,apples and some even grew
grapes.This was the begining of the great Idaho-Potato connection which was to leave
a permanent impression of what people,who had never seen or been to Idaho,thought
the whole state was like.They pictured Idaho as being like Iowa.A flat land where potato
farmers carved out a living in a bland featureless land devoid of any modernity in thinking
or in living.They had no Idea that much of Idaho is made up of the Rocky Moutains and
the famous "River of No Return"-the Salmon and northern America's deepest gourge,
"Hells Canyon".It is also the richest state in rare and very valuble great Gems.The
state is practically teaming with them-it's hard to take a step on any undeveloped land-
of which Idaho has the most of any state in the union,with out stepping some rare and val-
ble gem.I better stop here because many Idahoan's would prefer Idaho to remain
relativly unspoiled and sparsely populated.Only the states Capital,Boise,Where i live
can say that just about every Chain of various store types has not just one but several
outlets here.Even Walmart has two stores here.Yet Boise is really two citys-that are very
differant from each other.Downtown,near where i live,is still fairly small for a city with a
of a Quarter of a million people calling it home.Most of the growth has happened west of
the city where now,just like in L.A.,where Boise ends and Meridian starts is for all intents
and pupose's a continous city which i call Boisidian.So i'm not letting out any more secrets.
The last vestages of old Boise are still around but they are just barely hanging on-givin a
few more decades and they too will probably also be gone.But for now at least-it's still a
much easier place to live than the Bigger City's of the west.It's cold in the winter and hotter
hell in the summer but all in all-it's a pretty nice place to call home.

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 24, 2010


by Pete Holly

Ceremonies break the spell-
The desert comes alive,
We call on those-Consider
Beauty-as Worth
Soldiers March through Hell's-Great Gate's-
to sactify thier Martyr-
and yet-shipped home boxed,
Under Cover of Flag's-
-in Darkness lies-
Hide the victum-Praise
-the Calvery
We come to save your souls,
But many are allready taken'-Before,By Who ? No One Knows-
Brave soldiers pray god has not forsaken-
and we at home-Some of us who know them-
Touch the cross-and pray for thier souls,
To cross calvery-and find Home-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Book of Days"-Malcom Boyd

Lets not get into identities.Please , just let me be fuctional.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Aerosmith Tops the Stone's in U.S. Sale's !

While here in America we've been so busy-and rightfully so-trying to stop
terrorism,averting or surviving the economic meltdown;an amazing occurance
has taken' place in the History of Rock Music."Aerosmith",the band from Boston,
who hit the Bigtime and nearly squandered it all to alcohol and drug abuse-has
surpassed the "The Rolling Stone's" in total U.S. album sales.The band who
recovered just in time,lauched the Biggest Comeback in Rock History-and it
has taken' them to high's Bigger than the Band they most emulated-The Stone's".
"Aerosmith" more than any other rock band-stayed true to the fundemental
Rolling Stone's template.One frontman-Steven Tyler, as the lead singer,
two guitarists,Joe Perry and Brad Whitford,plus bassist Tom Hamilton
and drummer Joey Kramer.I'm sure they never imagined that they might
surpass the Band that seems to have most inspired them-but they have.
To be fair,one has to acknowledge that for "Aerosmith" to achieve this
amazing feat of rock success-a few helper's were called upon-that i would
imagine,in the Bands first round of success-they would never even have
considered resorting too.I speak thier of collaboration with Desmond Child-
the #1 songwriter helper in the Rock Biz.Child's best know credits are
"Bon Jovi's" big hit-"Livin' on a Prayer" and several other Bon Jovi hit's.
His name is sandwhiched between John Bon Jovi's and Guitarists Ritche
Sambora so it's doubtful that any of Bon Jovi fans ever noticed."Aerosmith"
also had one of the biggest hits of thier comeback in "I Don't Wannna Miss a
Thing";a song originally written for Celine Dion by L.A.'s go to Writer for
movie soundtrack songs-Dianne Warren.In "Aerosmiths" hands the song
actually is pretty enjoyable-and Warren never fails to come up a Hit Movie
Soundtrack Song-whenever she is called upon to write one.The song was
featured in the Film "Armagedan" which also co-starred Steven Tyler's
daughter,Liv Tyler.
It must be acknowledged though that these are exception's to the
"Aerosmith's" large catolog of hits and amazing string of Multi-Platinum
Album's.For the better part of thier long and tumultous career Aerosmith
wrote nearly everything themselve's and there are some real top-notch
song's amongst both thier Big hit's and amongnst thier best album tracks.
Here's a few-
1."Dream On"
2."Sweet Emoition"
3."Walk This Way
{Also the Rap-Mix of this song with "Run-DMC" was a gigantic hit}
4."Last Child"
5."Back in the Saddle"
6."Same Old Song and Dance"
7."Kings and Queen's"
8."Jamie's Got a Gun"
9."Dude Look Like a Lady"
10."Make It"
11."Draw the Line"
12."Mama Kin"

Any way you look at it-Aerosmith's come back story is one of astounding
Proportions.They deserve all the accolades that have been presented to them.
They travelled a very rough and rocky road,full of deadly pitfall's and danger.
Not only did they survive-but they flourished.It's a story for triumph over
adversity and one that will allways be one of the more astounding in Rock History.

Written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Greatist Albums of the 20th Century

#6."History Never Repeats"-Split Endz

Before Niel Finn formed "Crowded House" he was a member of "Split Endz"
along with his brother Tim Finn.They both are extremly good Pop-Rock composers
and Performers.They were also very creative in the studio and they developed
a very original sound with "Split Endz" .This collection of some of thier finest work
is full of some of the Best songcraft and Great Recordings your ever likely hear this
side of "The Beatles" and "The Beach Boy's"."I Got You" was one of thier biggest
songs and i believe it did the Best in U.S..The Bands very quirky look was a solid
feature of thier video's which got quite abit of play on MTV.Though "Split Endz"
didn't quite breakthrough to American Audiences as successfully as Niels Band "Crowded
House" did later on-it certainly wasn't for a lack of Great Music-Great Songs and Great
Recordings as this Album is a testament too.
Every song on this album has something of interest to fan's of great Pop/Rock
Music and there is alot of varience of style throughout the whole Album."Dirty
Creature" "Six Months in a Leaky Boat" are both stand-out up tempo songs,
While "I Hope I Never" is a classic pop/rock balled,as in "I Hope i Never Have to
See You Again" a ode to romance gone bad,with a shimmering stellar Beauty all it's
This bands best work in this collection of songs is truelly a lost Gem in the pantheon
Great Pop/Rock.It deserves to be re-discovered and is well worth seeking out.

Written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Resevred

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Greatist Albums of the 20th Century

by Pete Holly

#5-"The First Songs"-Laura Nyro

Laura Nyro's voice is one of the most haunting and soulful instruments
to ever appear in the World of Pop/Rock Music.Her vocal Strength and Delicacy
far surpass all the other more well known female singer-songwriter's of her day.
For one thing-Laura-who was white-sounds much more like a black woman
and her songs reflect that spitit as well.Obviously,Laura spent some tough Ghetto
Times before she became the most successful female singer-songwriter of her day.
Her songs-made into huge hits by other artists who recorded them include-
"Wedding Bell Blue's"-"Stoney End"-"And When I Die"-"Stoned Soul Picnic"-
"Sweet Blindness" and "Eli's Coming".
But it's Laura's original versions of these songs and others where her true magic is
Most Apparent.The Recordings are all made live in the studio with a top-notch band
and Back-up singers with Laura leading them on lead Vocals and Piano.They are the
most beautiful songs of Love,Pain, and Mercy ever written and recorded.

out of 5

Written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Greatist Albums of the 20th Century

#4.-"Tim Moore"-Tim Moore

In the mid-70's*,Tim Moore,Who had just won the European Song Contest-Released
a perfect pop/rock album on a tiny label called "a small record company".The
album included the song "Second Avenue" which became a huge hit for Art
Garfunkel.Thou "Second Avenue" was and is one of the most perfectly composed
and emoitionally moving songs in the entire history of pop/rock music;the album
was overflowing with some of the best pop/rock music ever written and/or
performed .In fact Moore's version of "Second Avenue" was and still is far
superior to Garfunkels.
Any good pop and/or rock singer or group could have covered any song
on Moore's album and had a huge hit,that's how superior Moore's work was
to other singer-songwriters of that time.But for some unknown reason,the few songs
that were covered by other artists never achieved the kind of success as "Second Avenue"
I completely lost track of Moore after that but apparently he did record several more albums.
But they must not have gotten' much of a push from the record label{s} because after
"'Second Avenue" and the "Tim Moore" album proper he never had that kind of success again.
I heard a few years back that the "Tim Moore" album had been mastered to digital and
released on Cd after being out of print for decades.I see that it's available on with his other albums that didn't fare so well.I'm glad to see it in print
Moore was and is more than just a talented singer-songwriter-He's one of the
best ever and with only one perfect album to prove it( but let's face it there are very few perfect albums}.That's a pretty amazing
accomplishment that has no equal that i'm aware of."Tim Moore" is one of the most astounding
albums in the entire pop/rock cannon.It's a bit sad that Moore never did make the kind of magic
again that he did on first solo album-but even having one perfect album to your credit is
an extremely rare occurance in the world of pop music.So we just have to greatful for
this one that Moore made.Check it out-It's a real knockout !

******-6 Stars out of five

Written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 25, 2010


by Pete Holly

Tell me sir,to what you walk,when all your day is done-
Do secret spies,come roaming round,and try your hat on some-
could it be,someone i know,but has forgotten me-
Tell me sir,off do you dream,and let her come back to me-

I wish it were that way-sometimes,that a gentleman forget-
and so the one i used to know-Remember how we met-
so standing on the corner,as the midnight bell did toll-
i could spy,your glittering eye,and once more we could stroll

You found the thing,lost in your purse,twas ten times great as gold
and it put you in a funny mood-we laughed and said "I'm Sold"
Were you mine or was me yours-how quickly we forget-
But don't think of that other man and prefer me not to quit

It all seems such a silly game-but that's how fun be had,
If i should take advantage of your funny mood please tell me you'd be Glad-
and not be woken' up tommorrow an' wonder where you'd been-
but feel as if the sky had opened-and let both of us in-

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Greatist Films of All-Time

I thought that since i've been very lucky at being able
to see a very wide variety of films and to see a Great
Number of films i would try to narrow down a list of
of the Ten very Best.
-Here They Are-

1."La Dolce Vita"-Directed by Fredrico Fellini

Directer Fellini made this Black and White film over 50 years ago and
guess what it's about.A Tabloid news paper writer in Rome carousing
with high society,Movie Stars,and the rest of the paparazi.Was Fellini
Way ahead of his time-yes- is he a genuis at the art of making Film-each
Frame of a Fellini film is like a painting by one of the great masters of art.
Hundreds of them all put into one film-It's a Masterpiece.

2."Fitzcaraldo"-directed by Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog spent 8 years filming this sprawling masterpiece,deep in
the Amazon Rainforest.Over 100 people died in order for this film to be made.
It's an astonishing film on every concievable level.It has to be seen to
be believed.

3."Cititzen Kane"-directed by Orsen Welles

Orsen Welles was chidhood prodigy.As a young boy in england his ability's
as a consumate actor were allready apparent.Recognized by Directors and
casting agents he had hundreds of stage credits to his name before he
even turned 18.By the time Welles arrived in NYC his reputation as a
genuis was allready firmly established.Thus he was givin' his own
Radio show where he proceded to read "The War of the World's" as if it
were coming sraight off the wire.Welles completely fooled the entire
nation-by the time people realized it was all just good fun-Welles
status as an actor was raised even higher.By the time directed
"Citizen Kane" he had allready conquered the world.But with "Kane"
Welles took it to a whole new level ,of which no film had ever
accomplished up untill that time or since."Kane" is the greatist,Best filmed
{thanks to Greg Tolland} and best directed film ever made ever made in
America.Welles also did a perfect job of Playing Kane himself
as the lead actor of the Film .If you look up
the word genuis in the dictionary you'll find Orsen Welles.

4."The Seventh Seal"- Directed by Ingmar Bergman

Knights returning from the Crusades were allready weary when
they began to see evidence of The Black Plauge in every city,Hamlet
and village they passed thru.Young girls were burned at he stake
on the charge that they were Witch's and were somehow Responsible
for the Plauge.As the troops traveled on,A stranger visits this odd Band
of gypsies.He reavels ,that he is the grim reaper and challenges one of
Knight's to a game of chess.The reaper wins of course-and
the knight is badley distressed by this-but there is nothing
he can do.Finally they arrive at the the Knights home where he has
been recieved with open arms by his wife and his servents,
just after he tell's thens the story-they are all seen walking off,
Following the Reaper with his scyth on a nearby mountain.The
only people who survive are a young couple who are expecting
a baby soon.Poetic Justice-you might say.

5."Chinatown"-Directed by Roman Polaski

Chinatown takes place in Los Angeles,but every city in the west
,even Boise,has similar story of Power and Corruption-Because in the West,
the most valuble commodity is water.So anyone in a western city who has
enough money and power will try to get control of the water and use any
and all means to get it.So the story in Chinatown has it's equivalants in
Cities like Las Vegas,Denver,Phoenix,Boise,Reno,Spokane,San Diego and
San Fransisco-just to name a few.
The most noticable thing in "Chinatown" is how differant Polanski's
techniques of Filming are from the average American Director.Every shot
in "Chinatown" is custom made by Polanski.,who has a gigantic bag of tricks
and techniques in his director's Bag-most of them totally unique to unto
himself.When private detective Jake Giddes,the film's main charactor,played
by Jack Nicholson first pay's a visit to his client,Evelyn Mulray's Mansion,
in the Hollywood Hill's-Polanski places the camera right behind Nicholson's
back as he walks thru the backyard while he's waiting to see Miss's Mulray,
played by Faye Dunaway.
At the time of the scenes filming Nicholson objected to this set up by Pol-
lanski.He thought the camera should be in front of him like it would be in
a regular american movie-to best show the lead actors face.But when you see
the film you understand why Polanski filmed the scene the way he did.
With the Camera just behind Nicholson-peering over his shoulder,the
audience feels like they are right there in the backyard just behind Nicholson.
It's an ingenous device of Polaski's that makes the audience feel like they are
not watching the film but like they are in it ! This is just one example of the
way Roman use's the camera in way's that draw the audience into being
part of the movie and not just watching it.
"Chinatown" is the Greatist American Movie ever made,even if it took a
Polish Director to achieve that Greatness.

6."Burdon of Dreams"-
Directed byLes Blank

This documentry of Werner Herzog's 8 year struggle
to finish the film "Fitzcaralado" is as long as the movie that is it's subject.
It's also equally as Great and Fasinating as the movie "Fitzcaraldo" itself.
In one scene where the film crew and about 1000 Amazonian indians are
waiting for a replacement part for the tractor Herzog ended up having to
use to get the giant Steamship they used in the film pulled up from one
tributary of the Amazon up and over the top of a large mountain and
then lowering it down the big moutain into another tributary{Herzog
tried to do this just using wench's,pully's and the 1000 indians but the ship
kept falling back down the mountain}so eventually at the highest point he
was able to get the ship up the moutain just using just the indians and
the wench's and pully's,and the ship still got stuck just below the top of
the mountain-Herzog gave in and used the tractor to get the Ship the last
few hundred yards up and over the top of the very large moutain and then
while lowering the ship down the other side of the mountain about half way
down the cable snapped and the ship went carening down the mountain
and crashed into the river below,nearly capsizing the ship and damaging
it severly.Luckily Herzog had the camera's rolling so he got the footage
of the ship slipping loose from the cable and crashing into the river.It's
worth seeing this movie and "Fitzcaraldo" just to see this amazing scene.
It took alot of time to repair the boat once they were able to capture it
and anchor it down.It was during this part of the film that everyone working
on the movie became very discouraged and you see Herzog being interviewed
while they wait weeks for the tractor part to arrive{this is also when 6 of
the deaths happened when the first plane carrying the part crashed in the
Jungle killing everyone aboard}so while waiting for the second plane to arrive
Herzog is at his wits end.This is when he was interviewed.He talk's about how
ugly and dead the jungle seems to him and how unbearable it is-but then
add's "But,i Love it".Then the documentry film crew ask's him what he
thinks he will do when the film is finally finished."I think i'm going directly
to an insane asylum" he say's only half-joking.

#7.-"Aguirre,Wrath of God"

Directed by Werner Herzog

This is the tale of Spanish Conquistador Pissaro's ill-fated Journey to find El-Dorado
and the souce of the Amazon River.Every spanish soldier and slave in his regime dies a
horrible death on the attempted Quest except for Aguirre-who becomes the first white
man to travel the full lenth of the Amazon River and live to tell about it.
When he finally makes it back to Spain he is pardoned for abandoning Pissaro and his
other fellow soldiers when the court realizes that it would have been impossible to turn
back and try to save them on such a river.Aguirre marries a young South American
Indian girl who was the only other surviver of the expedition.They are givin' a fantastic
Mansion in the Hills of Spain to live in-complete with every luxery known to man at the
Eventually Aguirre gets restless and decides to return to South America with his
Bride.He makes it across the Atlantic O.K. but when he reach's the Delta of the Amazon
there are so many tributaries that he and his wife become hoplessly lost amidst the
delta.All of the ships sailors have either abandoned Aguirre-thinking him mad or they
have been killed by hostile indians.When Aguirre himself finally dies only his wife lives
to tell the tale.She makes it to Columbia where she catches a ship bound for Spain.
When she finally reach's the spanish court and tells them of Aguirre and his crews
terrible fate-the court has mercy on her and lets her return to the mansion that was
givin' to Aguirre and her-where she lives out the rest of her day's-Mourning her lovers
This movie reveals the Amazon River and Jungle as it was over 40 years ago and is
the most visually stunning Film ever made.

8."The Elephant Man"-Directed by David Lynch

The Elephant Man is a flawless and incredibly moving film-that is more than
enough proof of David Lynch's Genuis when it come to Film Making.John Hurts performance is mind-boogling and so is Anthony Hopkins.The staging of the film is so realistic
that the viewer completly forgets the present and believes He/She is actually back at the turn
of the 20th Century in London.That's how detailed,well directed,and perfectly acted this film is.
It's truelly a landmark in American filmmaking.The sounds of the early industrial age with thier
giant steam engines and noisey factory's churning away day and night you barely notice when
you first see the film.But upon viewing the film for about 100th time it suddenly hit me that
Those strange,loud and constant sounds of the industrial age are a huge part of what make's
the film so convincing that you feel as if you are actually back in the world of the turn of the 20th
Century London.This is the most effective use of sound ever used in an American Film.
It's at the ending of "The Elephant Man" that Samual Barber's "Adagio for Strings" was
first used in a film.Now many people consider it to be the Greatist piece of Music ever composed and i would concur with that opinion.

9."Apocalyse Now"-
Directed by Fransis Ford Coppela

The first major film released about the Vietnam war-the film is actually
based on Joeseph Conrad's Novel "Heart of Darkness".Somehow placing Conrad's novel
within' the setting of the Vietnam War Worked surprisingly well.The Film was a labor
of love for Coppala,with his film career on the line and also for actor Martin Sheen who
suffered a heart attack during the making of the film and allmost died.When Marlon
Brando finally arrived on the set he was horribly overwwieght and hadn't even read
the script so he had no idea how he was going to play the part.But Coppala needed Brando's
Box Office Power so he improvised.He shot Brando at night and in dark shadows and keeped
the Camera mostly on Brando's face.With his head shaved Brando was believable as a
Military leader gone mad.He mumbled strange thoughts and idea's and he looked and acted
insane just like the charactor he was playing.The ending of the film had not been written
so that to was improvised.The result was a film of Mind Blowing Proportions.
Many of the lines from the film have become part of pop culture allthough they are
completely taken' out of context and thier meaning completely mis-understood.
When Robert Duvall say's "Charlie don't Surf" he isn't talking about Charles Manson-
But he's reffering to the fact that the Vietcong don't indulge in the sport of surfing.After
Sheen's charactor stops at the last official U.S. Military Outpost before the river they
are traveling up enters into Cambodia-He look's everywhere for the Brigade's Commander-
as bombs and explosions explode all around him-"Ain't you him" one soldier replies.As
Sheens charactor said earlier in the film "The Bullshit Pilled up So Fast in Vietnam-You
needed wings to stay above it".Finally Sheen relizes that the Army Unit Stationed at the Bridge
has no leader.He return to the boat with some supplies and say's "There's no CO{Commanding

#10."12 Monkeys"

Directed by Terry Gilliam

"12 Monkeys" is one the very few newer,more modern Films, that
is as intense and well Directed as the other nine movies on this list.By Far the
Best Science fiction movie ever made-it's plot is so realistic-that the movie just
Blows Your Entire Mind from start to finish .
The french avante-garde photography/story book that the film was based
on,thou it's very differant from the movie,is also the exactly the same as the movie
in many ways.Bruce Willis and Madaline Stowe give the performances of thier live's
and Brad Pitt's supporting role is the best piece of acting he's ever done.
Director Gilliam gives the film an incredible-allmost psychadelic look-it's
surreal and yet totally believable.

Warning:This Film contains ideas and concepts that are not suitable for
Children-so leave them at home or send them to thier rooms or out to
play before pressing the Play Button.

All Movie Reviews written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Reseved

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Greatist Recordings of All-time

#61-"Not to Touch the Earth"-The Doors

With lyrics' that read-"The Presidents heads in the back of the Car"
"The engine runs on glue and tar"
"Were Going East,To Meet the Czar"
Jim Morrison proved Time and time again that his lyrics/Poetry were an
art unto themselves and this particular one is fantastically outrageous-
and yet at the same time right on the money.
People still believe that the 1960's were a time of peace and love,
when in fact it was the most violent decade in modern history.
Jim got it Right.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Greatist Albums of the 20th Century

3."The Beatles For Sale"-The Beatles

Between "The Beatle's" first two albums,"Please,Please Me" and "Meet the Beatles"in
the U.S.A. and "With the Beatles" in the U.K., which both catch the Beatles composing and recording mostly in the style known as Merseybeat and the Soundtrack Albums to "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help" came 1964's "Beatle's for Sale",the "The Beatles" least talked about album.With 5 of "The Beatles" best cover song recordings,plus "No Reply" and "Eight Days Week"- the two best known Beatle's penned songs on the album-"Beatles for Sale" is by far the most underated and least listened to Beatle album.Perhaps that's why it's the funist Beatle album to listen too."No Reply";the lead-off track-is one of the Beatle's greatist recordings and
one of John Lennon's best lead Vocal Performances.Lennon also does a great take of Chuck Berry's "Rock 'n Roll Music".The medley -"Kansas City/Hey,Hey,Hey,Hey" sung by McCartney
is one of the Beatle's hardist rocking recordings."Eight Day's a Week","Every Little Thing" and
"What You're Doing" are all indicaters of The Beatles future sound wnich emerged on"Rubber Soul" and "Revolver".Two of Carl Perkin's songs-which in the Beatles live shows were allway's
sung by George* show up on the album as well-with Ringo singing the Lead Vocal on "Honey
Don't" while George keeps his Lead Vocal Position on "Everybody's Trying to be My Baby".

*On at least one setlist from The Beatles day's performing in Hamburg-George is designated
as The Lead Vocalist on the largest number of songs ! Since he was the youngest member of
the band he apparently became the workhorse ,Vocally,of the band.

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Greatist Recordings of All-Time

#60-"Symphony No. 6 Op.104"-Jean Sibelius

Departing this earthly realm the same year i entered it-1957-Jean Sibelius is a thouroughly
modern composer who held steadfastly to the "Symphonic Form" long after most of his contempor-
aries left it for Schonberg's 12 note system of composition,or "Les Six of Paris" who were pushing
the boundries of classical music form;with "Tone Poems" and other neo-classical devices.Igor
Stravinsky is a good example.
While Sibelius's 7 Symphonies do include traits of tone poem composition-they also clearly
show evidence of the influence of "Contrapuntal Sonorities" of the early masters of the Symphonic
form;yet they are assembled and presented in a unique modern style that only Sibelius was able
to master.Though many considered the Finnish Composer's music old-fashioned-in the early 20th century.Now-his music is seen in a totally differant light.Various modern composers have
all had words of great praise for Sibelius in modern times.The english composer George Benjamin called one of Sibelius's compositions "unprecented in it's approach".French composer
Pascal Dusapin regarded Sibelius as "This Gigantic Master" and German composer Detlev Glanert said Sibelius "is undoubtably one of the Giants of Music".
By uniting the best of the older musical orders with the best of the new-Sibelius was
able to become a popular composer in own lifetime and he has also become a figure of great
admiration for the modern composers of today.This is the Great Achievment of a man who
was not a follower but a leader.He has earned a large and permanent place in the world of
Classical Music.Just listen to "Symphony No.6" and you'll know why.

referance notes:Sibelius-The Complete Symphonies and Tone Poems-album notes-
Edward Clark-2001
Written by Pete Holly-2010-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 5, 2010

The #1 American Pioneer of Jazz and Pop Vocal Stylization

Billie Holiday

by Pete Holly

Everything about Billie Holiday was unique.She was the first Black Vocalist to
be the lead vocalist for several of America's Top Touring Orchestra's in the 1930's.
What Billie had that made these orchestra's seek her out;Despite the racial uproar
they knew would follow was something so special,so completely new that Billie and
only Billie could deliver.She a brand new way of singing lead vocal parts.It was sleek,
elegant,and the essence of cool.Instead of starting right on the first beat of a phrase-
Billie would hold out for just a second-wait-and then in the coolist way possible come
in later and make it sound right on time ! No-one had ever sung like this before.It
took people black and white by total surprise-but in the best way possible for it
became this cool new style that America and eventually the whole world fully
embraced as "the way" to sing both pop and jazz music.No-one in pop or jazz ever sang g the same way again for once Billie's recordings became available and she toured all across
America.Every singer working at that time started to work as much of Billie's cool style
into thier own style as they could manage-including the biggest singing stars of the day-Frank
Sinatra-Dean Martin-You name a singer and Billie influenced them;even as late as 1970 you
can hear some of Billie's Style in Led Zepplin's Robert Plant's delivery and even Elvis-The Man-
The King-had that little hesitation right before blew the audience completly away-that was pure
Billie Holiday style.
It's hard to say where or how Billie learned to sing the way she did.She had an extremly
rough childhood and had allready been around the block a time or two before she became America's Star Vocalist.Everyone then and everyone now take's something from Billie's
deceivingly casual delivery.She is the template for all Rock,Pop,and Jazz Vocal sound's.Without
Billie there would be no cool.She invented it.As Frank Sinatra said "She's the Greatist Female
Vocalist of All-Time".

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved

The Greatists Albums of the 20th Century

#2-"Born in the U.S.A."-Bruce Springsteen

If you heard every song on this album separetly and not as a whole you
might not figure it was Bruce's best work.,let alone the 2nd Greatist album of
the 20th Century.But the grand sum of "Born in the U.S.A." adds up to so much
more than it's individual parts that it's impossible not to notice how every song is
set up so perfectly for the song before it and the song that comes after it.Though
never formally called a concept album,Springsteen's masterpiece is a near perfect
reflection of the state of America in the 1980's-it was released in 1985.The Frus-
tration,the impossibility of of figureing out who the enemy was that was earasing
"The American Dream","The Middle Class" and "The Strong Independant Individualist" that all had built our Great Country.It all seemed to be fading away and at a very
rapid pace.Springsteens album frames this do or die moment in American History Perfectly.
As an artist that was and is Springteens job but he really pulled out all the stops on this album
and as a total album it is devastatingly Real and right on the money.It doesn't get any better than this.When it comes to writing songs about America Springteen has no equal.In fact nobody
else comes even close.

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Greatist Albums of the 20th Century

#1-'Marquee Moon"-Television

Released in 1977 at the peak year of punk rock and new wave "Marquee Moon" was
the first punk rock album many punk fans ever heard-imcluding me.Television's style
was the complete antithasis of what we were told punk rock was.Thier songs were
razor sharp and the title song was long in length and had both Verlaine and Lloyd
reaching for the stars in the greatist duel guitar attack of all time.It was Transendant.
There regular sized songs possessed a whole new rock language which Verlaine called
"Be-Bo talk".The record was not a commercial success yet it inspired more musicians
Than any other record from the 20th Century ! Ric Ocasek and Benjerman Orr
of "The Cars" took thier vocal cues from Verlaines unique delivery and his penchant
for unusual non-sequiters,allthou "The Car's" non-sequiters weren't quite as unique
and clever as Verlaines.In essence-"The Car's" took the sound of Television and mixed it with classic rock-and took the proceeds to the bank.
The Band that started it all "Television" along with "The Ramone's" inspired a million
bands including my band "The Look's" despite never selling many records.
Thier sound was so unique and powerful that you can still hear it in today's popular
Rock bands.
For a while Tom Verlaine enjoyed a good ammount of success in England as
a solo artist.Selling far more records there than he ever sold in the state's.All of
the solo records Verlaine released during this time are really great and worth going
out of your way to find.The best of these is "Dreamtime" which i was tempted to
choose over "Marqee Moon" for it too,is a must have for any budding guitarist out
there seeking inspiration and Greatness.
If Eric Clapton is God then Tom Verlaine is every God in every Universe known
to man and then some.He's that great of an electric Guitarist.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Where's the show Tonight ?

by Pete Holly

Before "The Look's" ever existed-i performed as a solo singer-songwriter and
that really was what i aspired to be.More early Dylan,than the Beatles.Someone
gave me a big oversized book of Dylan's lyrics and i read it over and over.What
struck me about it was the simplicity of his lyrics and of his music.Also the number
of songs that were written in four line bars-as hymn's are-and followed the straight
12-bar blues structure.I tended to prefer his songs where he didn't follow that template
and instead ventured out into unknown territory."I Want You",the biggest hit Dylan
ever had as an artist was a favorite of mine.I had it down to a Science-the lyrics-the
harmonica part-i even took on Dylan's nasel singing style.But i soon realized that
while my study of Dylan was a good lesson in song and especially lyric writing-i had
to let it go and find my own style.
So i tossed all the dylanesqe mannerisms in vocal and lyric style away and started
my songwriting career anew.There were but a few places to play in Boise for Folkies
but i played them all.I played a four set show as a solo artist at "Desmond and Mollies"
where later i recorded one of the Look's shows that's The Live recording i released of the look's.But it gives you a good idea of just how many songs i knew even at 18 and 19 years
of age.I Allway's seemed to run into strange circumstances that gave me a chance to play solo.
One time when i lived very near Boise State i could hear a rock band playing in the distance,By
the time i got there they were having some sort of major technical problems and since it was going to take at least a half hour to fix-the guitarist who i knew-and he had heard me play asked
if i could get my acoustic guitar and fill in for awhile to stem the tide of people leaving.I got my
guitar and stepped right up on the stage and the guitarists i knew gave me a very flattering introduction. I lauched right into the heart of my original songs and the reaction was fantastic.
So just keep playing,with nobody leaving,in fact more people were arriving and suddenly i had
a huge audience-the biggest crowd i'd ever played for-about 500 people.They were giving me
great ovations of applause and for a while the audience was there to see and hear me-not the
Rock Band i was filling in for.The guitarist keept spurring me on-cause i was keeping the crowd
and actuallty made it bigger-plus i could tell he really was a true fan of my original songs.He loved them and kept telling me how great i if in awe.Finally they started to get some of
the equipment back on line-but before i left i asked my guitar player friend if i could take a pass
on his les paul thru a huge amp-of coarse-he said-go for it-there's still a little time before we'll
have everything up and running-go for it ! I picked up the "The Paul" cranked it up and blasted
through David Bowie's "Moonage Daydream"-Mott the Hoople's-"Jerkin' Crokus" and T-rex's-
"Bang a Gong" and things got real exciting as my guitarist friend thanked me for filling in on such shoet notice-and the crowd which was really big now-gave a huge round of applause.
That may have been the biggest crowd i ever played too,nearly 1000 people, and it all happened completely by accident.See i told you the Music Business is strange ! but it's also
pretty cool sometimes-one good guy in the music business-can make all the differance in the
world-and that day the good guy was just a nice guy who i didn't know very well-but he gave
me "Free Riegn" during my time on stage because he had alot of confidence in me and even
admiration.Believe me things like this happen rarely-but it happened to me and my friend
and i'm sure i'll,nor he ever forgot it-or the crowd.It was really something to see and hear !

Written by Pete Holly-copyright-2010-all rights reserved

Allmost Human

In one of my earlier blogs i made referance to B. Traven and his incredible
skills as a novelist,inspiring one fellow writer to make a strong case that "Traven's"
novel "The Death Ship" is the greatist novel ever written.The article appeared in
the New York Time's Book Review.However,i'd like to make some further points
concerning Traven's more well know work-"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"
which first was a bestselling novel and then became a big hit Movie starring "Humphrey Bogart",Tim Holt,Walter Huston with Huston's son John Huston in the Director's chair.The aspects of the film that make it such a compelling story is the the fact that
Simply by putting gold in the equation-At least one of the charactors,who is normally
just simple honest man,goes insane,by contracting what miners call "Gold Fever".The
character that loses his mind is the one played by Humphrey Bogart who,both in the
novel and the film,is known as "Dobb's".When we first meet Dobb's at the begining
of the story-there's are no signs at all that he is or could ever become insane to the
the degree that he does latter in the film.It's only after the three miners hit a mother-
lode of gold that Dobb's starts to lose it completely.
He becomes so unraveled that he actually ends up murdering one of his friends
{the Tim Holt character}at least he believes he did-actually it turns out that the Holt
character was only wounded and survive's,but Dobb's thinks he's dead.
So in essence what we have here is a story or a legend that is relevent to every-
age-but seems epecially suited to the state we find the world in today.Greed seems to
have takin' hold of nearly every good man,woman and child on earth and it shows no signs
of letting loose.How on earth did the people of this fragile planet get to such a low point
of moralistic behavior.
Unfortunatly there are no singular or simple answers.However reading a book such
as "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" would definatly be a good place to start.At least
then we could have some context to examine why greed has become so rampent in
our modern world.Just because greed is at an all time high now;doesn't mean it allway's
must remain this way.We hold the fate of the whole world in our small hands and in our
in the 10% of our brain that we use.Perhaps someone-somewhere is finding the secret
To unlock the riddle of why we only use 10% of our brain capacity-in the average human.
It could even be that someone has discovered how to switch on the 90% we don't use,
And therefore the answer to why humans are so suseptabile to the power of greed.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking,But,Maybe it's not.

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-all rights reserved

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Belated Rest in Peace for Doug Fieger

No-other person ever labeled with the style "Power Pop" ever had to
pay the price that Doug Fieger did as the leader of the band "The Knack".The fact that
there it's debateable that such a style of music actually exists-never seemed to occur
to anyone.People have been argueing for years both in it's a favor and it's non-existence.
Personal i'm on the non-existance side.If any thing like power-pop did ever exist it was
in the songs of the early "Who" and the "Kinks" both english bands who were also called
Mod's.Mod is a style that definately exists.In many way's it was the template used by
punk and new wave bands of the original punk and new wave movement circa 1976- 1982.The chord proggresion for the kink's "All Day and All of the Night" can be found
in the "Sex Pistols" song "Submission " and also in "Paul Revere and the Raiders"
Song "Just Like Me" from the 1960's.It has to be one of the most lifted chord progressions in the entire pantheon of pop/rock music.
Getting back to "The Knack"-they didn't lift any well known rock riffs-they came up with thier own and that's the reason thier first album and single were so successful.The
Knack actually came up with a new style of Rock music that wasn't Mod,Power Pop,
Bubble Gum or any other specific style other than the general heading of pop/rock.
A accomplishment very few rock music artists or bands can make.
I don't know how the backlash against "The Knack" started but i do know that
The rock press,both writers and critics,and hundreds if not thousands of Dj's and
former fans joined in the Mob Mentality feeding freezy that before "The Knack",
had never reached such a level of pure insanity.
Fieger,allthough i'm sure he didn't enjoy it-didn't complain.What he'd accomplished with "Get The Knack" and "My Sharona" is so rare that i'm sure he figured it was
just one more sophmore jinx amongst thousands that have occured in Pop music past.But even
when he realized that the backlash wasn't on the same level of your average sophmore jinx-but
was something much larger and more dangerous and insane-he still didn't make a fuss.He just
keep making and performing music.That takes something else thats very rare in today's modern world-Integrity.Doug Fieger is free now.All the hate that was insidously pilled on top of him and
his band is of no conseqence either in this world or any other.But i believe there is a lesson of
caution to be learned from Doug's story.When mob-mentaltity builds up enough steam there is
no level to low for it to go.Even otherwise respectable and decent people are subject to it's giant
vortex of hate-and that's exactly what happened in the story of "The Knack".We would do
well to learn from this lesson in history.Good people are capable of doing very bad things-
if that's what's in fashion.Perhaps we'd better the human condition if we paid more attention to
the fact's and less to the whims of the arbiters of Pop Culture.Doug Fieger may you rest in
Peace.You have earned it the hard way.May the lord have mercy on your soul.

Best Regards,

Pete Holly,
Look's Music International

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Greatist Recordings of All Time

#59-"Ride of the Valkaries"
by Richard Wagner
performed by "United States Marine Band"

From Wagner's epic four cycle Opera -The Ring-"Valkaries" is a stunning
and instantly recognizable piece of classical music.While during his lifetime Wagner had his
share of detractors;his music was quite differant from that of his contemperaries so it's
understandable that for some-Wagner's Horn and Woodwind drivin' compositions were
not everyone's cup of tea.
Of coarse now Wagner is fully accepted as one of classical music's greatist composer's.
As bombastic as some of his music can be you can't deny that there is a very strong and
emotionally charged sense to it."Flight of the Valkaries" is a perfect example.It instantly
grab's your attention.When it was used in the film "Apocalypse Now" it became exposed
to a new and much larger audience.Wagner was a follower of Frans Listz and he even
married one of Listz's daughters.People who only know "Valkaries" from it's use in
"Apocalypse Now" may not know who Richard Wagner is but that doesn't stop them from,
being tremendously moved by his music.

The Greatest Recordings of All-time

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Long Way Around for Impressionism

by Pete Holly

History has a way of turning things around so that what was once viewed as "
"bad"becomes "good" and vice-versa.A "Ghetto" started out hundreds of years ago as
being the best part of town-now as we all know it means the worst or poorest-I don't
know how or why it changed-i just know that it did.The name of "Impressionism" in
art first arose in 1872 when art critic Louis Leroy first saw Monet's painting Impression:
Sunrise" and many other modern impressionistic paintings at an art exibition organized
by followers of Edward Manet called the "Anonymous Society of Painters,Sculptors,,Engravers, Etc."{Manet himself chose not to take part in the exibition} Nearly every art critic who saw the exibition wrote terrible reviews about the artists that
we now think of as being some of the Greatist's artists the Art World has ever known-Monet,
Renoir,Dega's,Cezanne,Sisely,Pissarro and Berthe Morisot.Leroy took Monet's painting title
and turned it against all the young artists who had exibited at the show.He called all the Paintings just Impressions and not properly finished works of art.For him that meant that the
paintings were all terrible and worthless and he wasn't shy in expressing his dislike of this new
and modern style of painting.
Today,the world see's Impressionism in a completly differant light.Impressionism
is the most popular style of art the world over.People love these dazzling,light drivin' paintings
with a passion that is almost like a religion in it's afirmation and appreciation.Impressionistic
paintings or their off-shoots command the highest price's at auction.Selling for millions of dollars
for just one painting."Impressionism" has come along way.

coda:The irony in all this is that in trying to brand the paintings all bad with one term taken
from Monet's "Impression:Sunrise-the critic Leroy inadvertantly gave Impressionism a
respectable name for it's style-one that once it caught on with the public has never let go of.
Now when someone say's impressionism-people stand up and take notice with respect and
admiration.One has to admit Leroy's critic backfired on him for instead of keeping the Impressionists down it eventually became the actual name of these artists style which has
remained the most popular style of art for nearly a century.

Written by Pete Holly-2010-All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two Short Writings on the Subjective Nature of Human Art

1. "The Spiral Jetty"

2. "The Sun Returns"

"The Spiral Jetty"

by Pete Holly

Surmised:Progress in the Lineal Form of Art is an Illusion

We could start off by saying that the first Art Produced by Humans-Cave Painting-is
as great or greater than any and/or all art that came after.This is true.We could say Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is one of mankinds greatist paintings-however greatly flawed it may be-it
is greatly flawed{see earlier blog}.The flaws however,do not hamper the majestic impression
the painting possesses's-to enrapture-to seduce the viewer-perhaps in a fashion that is more
powerful than any other painting.We could say Dali's "The Persistance of Memory" is a perfect
representation of the very human persistance of memory-and be correct.We will surmise the
the Genuis of Mark Rothko's Brilliant Symbolific modern Masterpiece's."Whistler's Mother"
is second to no other and Michael-Angelo's "David" is surely a savior of Beauty beyond measure.
In cubism multiple perspectives are presented all in one scene at the same time-It's Done ! The Castles of Europe and Stone Monolith's-Stonehenge-Stone in America-Machu Pichu-The
Twin Towers even destroyed still carry thier artistic weight in Gold-Etched forever in Photograph's,Films,Memories and Paintings no less Great in thier possession of the Master Soul
of Art than when they were still standing at the edge of Manhatten-where so much great art has
been created,collected and presented to the World-Everyday.In the life and death of art there is
no straight line-All is allowed in Life and Art-Even when one live's high in the sky among the
god's and the clouds.The truth is realization-there is no lineal progress in art-it is an illusion.
And a Damn Fine One at that.

"The Sun Returns"

by Pete Holly

I crawled thru the narrow tunnel.So narrow i could barely sqeeze by on my hands and knee's.Suddenly after crawling 100 yards or so i came to a large opening in the cave-A Gallery.
The walls were covered with ancient paintings-portraits of creatures-some i recognized-Antelope and Deer-others i could not but seemed to be ansestors of tigers and
elephants-Mastadons.They were very Large and ferocious looking bearing down upon my vision
with incredible clarity as if about to strike ! Writing too was on these walls-an ancient script that
some of which i could decipher."We are men of Day's","We came to earth 3.5 million years ago"
"From a distant planet far beyond your sun" "We found a home here and survived for millions
of years""Now we are Few""A cloud covered the earth and brought us down into this cave"
"Animals followed and we killed them and roasted thier flesh on the fire and so survived"
"Roots also dangled down from the roof of this cave and we found them edible as well-for along
time they continued to grow but we wondered how ?" "We are Men and Women and Children
not unlike yourselves""We know the ancient stories of your people" "We Learned to see into
the future-but i cannot explain how-just to say it was revealed to us by some form of wisdom
which has a connection with your planet-though we do not understand exactly what it is""We
have found it to be true""A great cold and covering of ice came but still bears and Mastadons
came roaming into this cave providing us with food and blood and so we survived for a very long time""We are Men like You"-"The Sun is Returning and we believe in one God !"

Written by Pete Holly-copyright-2010-All rights reserved

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lesson's in Song Composition

One method you can use to become a better song composer is one that i used
mostly during the years just prior and during my tenure as the leader of my garage
band "The Look's" which lasted from 1996-1982.Six years is along time to carry the
wieght of being the leader of a 3-piece rock band where you write all the songs,arrange
every players part including your own and also design the recording method as i did for the
look's.It kept me very busy-let's put it that way.
The method i'm speaking of is to write and record a song that emulates
a specific artist at a specific time period stylewise in thier career.The first time i did this
was with "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" in which i recreated the songwriting style and
the recording style of the "Merseybeat" Period Beatles.This was a difficult assignment i
gave to myself but as the early Beatles sound was one of my first and biggest influence's
and inspirations it gave me alot of fuel to tackle the task.The first thing i did was re-listen
to both of The Beatle's first two records "Please Please Me" and in the U.S. "Meet the Beatles".I would listen to these albums over and over-hundreds of times gleaning every
aspect and quality i could decipher which gave then thier unique sound.One thing i noticed
was that all the songs which had the trademark Beatle's Merseybeat sound were Johns songs.
"All i Gotta Do"-"There's a Place"-"Please Please Me" were all Lennon Creations and they
exuded the beatles merseybeat sound the most.I noticed Lennon allway's doubled his vocals
and during parts where George and Paul joined in it often became difficult to tell who was
the lead singer-all thier voices seemed to merge together into a mythlogical 5th beatle vocal
sound that was very unique and very powerful.Only on these first two LP's do you here this
combined vocal sound to such a large extent.Once the Beatles started recording on 4-track with
"I Want to Hold Your Hand" the merseybeat beatles sound dis-appeared.With four tracks
Producer George Martin could seperate and re-mix all the vocals and that ended the mystery
5th Beatle vocal sound that live two track recording with only a doubling of Johns vocal being
The early songs were very upbeat even if the song itself was sad.They often started out in
a minor key but ended on a major key.Nearly every song was filled with all the songwriting tricks of the trade-Fanstastic middle 8's-Bridges-lead breaks on middle 8's,chorus's,and on bridges never knowing which one the Beatle's would choose.On "Are You Gonna Be my Girl"
i choose to play the lead guitar part on the middle 8.Any way these are just a few of the ways i
used to re-create The Beatles merseybeat sound and i'll just mention one more element that was
vital to get that sound.The snare drum had to have a really loud snap to it-allmost like that of
a rim-shot.I spent alot of time with Lenny teaching him how to get that snare drum snap but
it had to sound like that to really be like the Beatle's Mersybeat-so it was absoulutly mandatory
to the success of the song and the recording that the snare drum had this sound.
Another type of song i finally mastered thou much later in my career was The Big Song
that Bob Dylan invented for the modern world.Bard's in the middle age's played allmost nothing but these big songs as it was one of the only way's to communicate the news of the day but
in the early sixties Bob Dylan brought the big song back-and he would revisit this 7-9 verse
style from time to time throughout the rest of his career-in this manner he was pretty much on
his own-allmost nobody else wrote any of these really big song's that became a Dylan Trademark.Here are some of Dylan's big song's-Tangled Up in Blue-Up to Me-Mr. Tamborine Man-Sad eyed Lady of the Lowlands{probably his biggest but maybe not his best}-Like a
Rolling Stone-there are others but thats a good sampling.So how do you write one of these big songs-well for one thing it's hard to write one when your really young because you don't have
enough expieriences to fill up 9 verse's of anything interesting or even 7 Verse's.The most difficult aspect of writing a big song is having all the information you need to write 7-9
congruent verse's that are interrelated.The other hard part is to get that many verse's that
all end up setting up perfectly for the chorus in rhyme and in reason.My big song is "Too Many
Tears".It has more lyrics than any other song of mine and it was definatly inspired by Dylan's
big songs.I was 35 and sober when i wrote it-but i wasn't aiming at writing a big song-all the verse's just came to me in a very organic way-it just flowed-and kept flowing but as it got bigger
i could see where it could go to and so i just rode that wave all the way i could and "Too Many Tears" which is on the "Riverside Drive" Cd was the result.I will say i think being sober helped
both in coming up with all the flowing verse's and being able to remember them.
So these are just a few ways you can learn about the creative methods of songwriting and just remember using other artists idea's as a catalyst for more knowledge and more creativity
in your own back page's is O.K-just don't steal any thing outright-make sure your song is unique in a way that's true to you own indidvidual muse-ideas are one thing-but the way you finally execute
those idea's is a completly differant matter all together.Regardless any style you might borrow
from allways make sure that your music is unique to you.

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ludwig Von Beetoveen

A Short Study on why Beetoveen's Compositional Style is
excedingly complex,more than any other composer,and for
that reason his style is difficult if not impossible to Classify.

Of all the great classical music composers,Beetoveen,is not only the most famous
but there is a completely distinct style to his compositions that make his style nearly im-
possible to describe-in relation to other classical music composers.He is not a romantic,
Like Chopin.though some of his work,say "Moonlight Sonata" is just as romantic as any-
thing Chopin ever composed,perhaps even more so.But few other examples of such romance
are to be found amongest Ludwig's compositions.Thou it's not a complete lack of romantically
infused sentiment that make's his work so unique-it's that there are so many other elements
mixed in at the same time in his large works such as his 9 symphonies.It is such a complex
array of stylizations and techniques that we find him alone in a catagory of his own creation-
There are very fast passages in much of the masters work.Some are very loud only
to relent after a huge burst of energy,one might even call it anger,to fast quiet passages all
part of the same piece of music.He does the same thing with speeds of tempo-wild variations
that keep the listener on thier toes;alert-ready for anything Beetoveen might exude thier way
in whatever myriad of fashions he may decide.
This creates a dazzling world of speed and variation that no other composer can compete
with and i pity the fool that try's.The only thing one sometimes notices in his work that makes
it regular in any sense is Ludwigs very classical manner-which is also,thou,a purely integral part
of his masterful and sensational sytle.Without his classical anchor Beetoveen may have lost the
vital congruent component that holds all his work together in one master full stroke of inginuety.
Even so Beetoveen cannot be labeled as a strict classisist either.He rides that fine line between classisism and romantisism evoking both without ever totally committing to one or the
other-this is the true Genius of our Master Ludwig Von Beetoveen whose very name has come
to be the most oft used in describing excellance and mastery in the realm of the Greatist Classical Music known to ever exist.Only one word can describe this man's incredible musical

Written by Pete Holly-Copyright-2010-All Rights Reserved