Monday, November 16, 2009

Time and the Artist

by Pete Holly

The realationship between time and the artist is a very direct one.It's owed to the fact
that no matter how much talent god has given to you-if you don't have the time to employ it,
then no art will be created.Time is one of the most decisive factors in an artists life.
Tom Wait's expressed it well in his song "Time".For it's "time,time,time," the artist holds
most precious "you love",it's "time,time,time".For without enough of it-the artist will not be allowed to finish any creation.
Look at the life of the great artist Leonardo Da Vinci.Many consider him to be the greatist
painter of all time-yet he finished realativly few paintings because he didn't have enough time.
He found himself at the mercy of patrons who were most interested in his idea's for new weaponry for war-and so he spent much time selling himself as one able to provide these new
idea's of military weaponry-that would entice the patron to sponser Da Vinci-so that he could make a living.So we see many ideas's for new weapons of war in Leonardo's notebook's because
this was a calling card he used many time's in his life in order to aquire a sponser-to make a living.Many a patron took Da Vinci up on his ability to do just such work;as well as hydralics and
other helpful inventions that King's and Queens{and even Pope's}were most interested in,even if only a relatively few were ever actually employed or used.Indeed,since Leonardo's notebook's
were discovered he is as much well known for correctly predicting idea's that would help
Men and women achieve a means,such as Flight,The Helicopter,The Tank,and Submarines in the
future-as he is well known for his incredible paintings of which there are relativly few of which he
was ever able to actually finish.It's a great illustration of just how precious time is for every artist.

-written by Pete Holly-2009-copyright-all rights reserved-

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