Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jesus Christ-Spiritual Teacher-The Beatitudes

Christmas is the time when christian people of the world over celebrate the birth
of Jesus Christ,"The Son of God" and also a man who walked this earth 2000 years ago.
Christ is by far the most influential spiritual teacher the western world has ever known.
Some christian religions focus less on the teachings of Jesus and more on the "Fire and
Brimstone" and the "Hellfire and Damnation" found within the pages of the Bible.While
other christian sects believe that one need only accept "Jesus Christ" as thier and the
worlds Savior in order to be saved.Unfortunately,between these two extremes the
Genuis and Wisdom of Christ's personal teachings is often tragically forgotten and/or
completely overlooked.
Fortunatly there is a fairly simple remedy for this oversight and it can be found
within' "The Beatitudes" which Christ delivered to his followers in his "Sermon on the
In eight brief statements-Jesus Christ illuminated his Spiritual Teachings with
what many would call the most rightous words ever spoken on this planet.If you want
to know why we still celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ;then the words that Jesus
Spoke in "The Beatitudes" can give much insight and inspiration in a short ammount
of time as to why people are still amazed and enlightened by "The Man from Galilee".

1.Blessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven-

2.Blessed are they that morn:for they shall be comforted-

3.Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit the earth-

4.Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after Rightousness:
for they shall be filled-

5.Blessed are the Merciful:for they shall optain mercy-

6.Blessed are the pure of Heart:for they shall see God-

7.Blessed are the Peacemakers:for they shall be called the children of God-

8.Blessed are they which are persecuted for Rightousness Sake:for thiers is the
kingdom of heaven-

Merry Christmas-and may God Bless,

Pete Holly-Dec. 20th-2009

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