Friday, January 8, 2010

The Greatist Recordings of All-Time

55."Heart of the Sunrise"-Yes

Proggressive Rock had a relativily short lifespan.Yet,it did leave some really
fantastic records behind of which this is one of the best."Heart of the Sunrise"
has lost none of it's luster or ethereal magic over time.It sounds as magical
and spacey now as it did when it was first released in the 1970's.To a large
degree "Yes" is the proggressive band for all times.No other band thrived
and has kept a hold on there core audience as successfully as has "Yes".
Thier level of musianship is hard if not impossible to match,thier compositions
are full of twists and turns that defy average Pop/Rock song evaluations.
Thier lyrics are the height of proggressive rock free form poetry and have a
surreal beauty that is totally unique and powerful and"Yes" vocalist Jon Anderson still has one of the most unique,powerful and beautiful sounding voices of all-time.

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