Thursday, May 6, 2010


by Pete Holly

In the trunks of old car's-found in San Fransisco,
Chinese Swords and Big Thick Dragon Vase's,Red and Dragon Black
and Gold-
We lost the sword in a move but held on to the Dragon Vase-
Once as i lay choking to death by blood-
My face a bloody Battered Death mask-gasping for air !
as hands choked off my last breath of air-i died-went unconsious-
To the other side-
When i awoke the heavy body on my chest-Had vanished !
The blood ran down my face-a sharp cracking pain-where the back
of my head had been bashed over and over into the expensive-
Spanish Tile-till my brain felt broken' into little pieces-rolling around in my
Skull-Brain matter slammed into bone-
The tiles now splattered with blood-as i started to breath again-
and stars flew away-shooting away death-forcing me to breath-
And bringing me to back to Life-My head collapsed Sideways-in pain
and exhaustion-and there in front of my eye's came slowly into focus-
The Chinese Dragon Vase-broken like a skull-laying there-the sharp-
cutting corners-of Life-crushed inside my Brain-through the Skull-
To stay locked inside for eternity-a balance-force-that will not disappear-ever

written by pete holly-copyright-2010-all rights reserved

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